Projects We Carry Out

Determination of Megachilidae and Halictidae (Hym.:Apoidea) Fauna of Bartın and Kastamonu Provinces and Analysing of DNA Barcoding on These Species

DNA Barcoding Studies for Some Endemic or Commercially Important Plant Species in Turkey

Establishing National Early Warning and Monitoring System for Available and Potential Non-native Freshwater Fish Species in Turkey: Determination of Target Species through Traditional and Molecular Methods, Risk Assessments of These Species and Developing a Web-based Database

Using Environmental DNA in Fish Biomass Prediction: Karataş Lake Case

DNA Barcoding of Turkish Fish Species

eDNA Metabarcoding Approach in Determination of Invasive Freshwater Fish Species: Upper Sakarya Basin Case

Developing Next Generation eDNA Barcoding Kit
Projects That We Contribute To

DNAqua-Net: Developing New Genetic Tools for Bioassessment of Aquatic Ecosystems in Europe

Black Sea SCENE: Black Sea Scientific Network

European Information System for Alien Species

The role of epigenetic mechanisms in understanding invasion success of a non-native species: investigation of inter-population differences in phenotypic plasticity along an invasion succession

Preventing Bio-Smuggling

Extraction of Ancient DNA from Remainings of Aquatic Species Acquired from Liman Tepe and Çeşme-Bağlararası Settlements and Relationships of the Region with Far Culture Regions

Molecular Detection, Growth and Reproduction Biology of Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp), Tinca tinca (Tench), Atherina boyeri (Sandsmelt) and Carassius gibelio (Prussian Carp) Population in the Iznik Lake (Bursa, Turkey)

The Effects of Sunflower Seed Meal Utilization as a Protein Source in Diets on Growth of Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and The Changes in Fatty Acids Profile and Meat Composition After Frozen Storage

Identification of Holothuroidea Species using DNA Barcoding

Investigation for the presence of parasite in Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)

Evaluation of Acute Toxicity for Amitrase and Deltamethrin on Thyroid Hormone Receptors (TRs) of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)

Determination of Phylogenetic Relationship among invasive Caulerpa racemosa populations in Aegean Sea using DNA Barcoding

Description of Phylogenetic Differences Between Wild and Culture Populations of Gilthead Sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) and Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in Turkey by DNA Sequences of Mitochondrial Gene Regions

Identification of Aquatic Sponges using DNA Barcoding