Description of Phylogenetic Differences Between Wild and Culture Populations of Gilthead Sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) and Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in Turkey by DNA Sequences of Mitochondrial Gene Regions

Süleyman Bekcan

The aim of this study is to determine the genetic structure and phylogenetic differences between wild and cultured stocks of gilthead sea bream and sea bass in Turkey coasts.

Subsequent to developments in hatchery technologies and legal requirements, broodsotcks have been constituted in all fish farms. While selecting the fish for broodstock, the farmers preferred the best performing individuals and circuitously performed an improvement action. But using the same individuals from a small population and F1 generations of these as broodstock could have been given rise to any genetic differentiations between wild and cultured stocks.

Differences between mtDNA gene regions of wild and cultured stocks of gilthead sea bream and sea bass in Mediterranean and Egean coasts of Turkey will be determined with this study for the first time. By detecting the differentions inside and between the different stocks of two commercially most valuable fish species, usefull informations will be achieved for further studies. Fish farmers have a big attention on performance promoter technologic developments in commercial fish production. Biotechnology is a fast growing research area in Turkey and detailed researchs have a great significance. This study will be the first in its field by using DNA sequencing on three  mtDNA regions of sea bream and sea bass in Turkey.

Scientific and Technological Research Council Of Turkey (TUBİTAK)
